
Respiratory Physiotherapy

What are Respiratory Issues?

Respiration is the process during which the blood is supplied with fresh oxygen via the respiratory system and is distributed to the body’s tissues. The body intakes oxygen during the inhalation phase and expels carbon dioxide during the exhalation.

The respiratory system is currently one of the most common sources of disease. The most prevalent ones include pulmonary hypertension, asthma, occupational lung disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). There are numerous factors that can lead to Respiratory illnesses. Chronic respiratory conditions (CRCs) are one of the respiratory illnesses that impair the lungs’ airways and other structures. 

Respiratory Physiotherapy

Air pollution, exposure to chemicals and dust at work, and recurrent lower respiratory infections are other risk factors besides tobacco smoke. Although CRDs cannot be cured, several treatments can assist expand the airways and reduce shortness of breath, which can help control symptoms and enhance everyday life for persons with these disorders. illnesses, including allergies, inflammation, and infections can also cause breathing difficulties. These issues can be controlled with the proper diagnosis, treatment, and comprehension of disease.

Signs of Respiratory Distress

Even though some of the early signs of respiratory disorders may seem normal, attention must be paid. The following are some respiratory disorders’ warning signs.

  • One of the most common symptoms of respiratory issues is wheezing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest pain, A persistent cough, expectoration, and occasionally hemoptysis, may be a sign of a respiratory issue.
  • Blood in the sputum or chest pain that worsens while coughing or breathing.
  • Patients with tuberculosis typically exhibit a wide range of symptoms, including cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, and weight loss.
  • Bluish discoloration of the Fingernails, skin, and lips caused by decreasedoxygenation or poor circulation.
  • The skin doesn’t feel heated to the touch, though more sweat may be on the head. The skin may frequently feel clammy or chilly. this can occur, when the respiratory rate is rapid,
  • Those who experience respiratory failure can lose consciousness or become extremely tired. Arrhythmia may also exist in them (irregular heartbeat). If your heart and brain are not breathing properly, you can experience these symptoms.

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How Can Respiratory Physiotherapy Help?

  • Removal of blockage in the respiratory tract.
  • Reduction of the symptoms associated with lung diseases (shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue) and increase breathing comfort.
  • Reduce the energy expended to inhale and exhale (inflate or deflate the lungs, or chest wall, or both). in a normal resting state, the work of breathing constitutes about 5% of the total body oxygen consumption. It can increase considerably due to illness.
  • Improve the amount of exercise/training that involves strenuous movement of body.
  • Prevent secondary complications.

Respiratory Physiotherapy Treatment

Respiratory physiotherapy is a core specialty within physiotherapy to manage and treat patients with respiratory disease. Respiratory Physiotherapy can optimize respiratory function, making breathing easier, thus improving quality of life. A mixture of treatments, instruction, and exercise regimens are used in respiratory therapy.

Respiratory (chest) physiotherapy interventions at RCP Health may include airway clearance techniques (active cycle of breathing technique, forced expiratory technique, percussion and vibrations, positive expiratory pressure (PEP) therapy, positioning and gravity assisted postural drainage, intra or extra pulmonary high frequency oscillation devices, autogenic drainage), Secretion clearance removal (huff and cough, suctioning, assisted or stimulated cough maneuvers), and mobilization and exercise prescription which may trigger a cough and/or sputum expectoration

The aim of respiratory physiotherapy is to unclog the airways to help patients return to daily activities and exertion. The beneficial effects are demonstrated in improved functional abilities.

Physiotherapists at RCP health conduct a complete physical examination, spirometry, exercise tolerance test, questionnaires assessing the overall health, the effect of felt dyspnea, assessment of inspiratory, and expiratory muscle strength to determine the type of treatments and the frequency of their use.

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  • Canada Life
  • Manulife
  • Claim Secure
  • Desjardins
  • IA financial Group
  • Johnson Insurance
  • Johnston Group
  • Equitable Life of Canada
  • Beneva
  • Blue Cross
  • BPA
  • CCWU
  • Chamber of Commerce Group
  • Coughlin
  • Cowan
  • D.A Townley
  • First Canadian insurance Corporation
  • GMS
  • Group Health
  • Group Source
  • Manion
  • Maximum benefit
  • People Corporation
  • RWAM
  • Union Benefits
  • UV Insurance